Zeework Ltd HAMPSHIRE, United Kingdom 
Zeework Ltd

Zeework was formed to concentrate on the 'wet' índustry sector. The company provides not only geographical coverage but an in depth knowledge of the products and solutions provided. With a combined trading period of some fifty years the participants of the venture are strategically located at four offices in England, Scotland and Ireland.

Kongsberg - EA 400Ohmex Intrumentation LRTideM8Trimble - SPS551H  

Presentation: www.zeework.equip4ship.com

Address: United Kingdom, HAMPSHIRE, SO41 8JD Unit 9 Gordleton Industrial Park,Hannah Way

Contact person: e-mail, website

Phone: +(44 1590) 681584

Fax: +(44 1590) 681902

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Modular Add-on Heading GPS Receiver Send enquiry  
Modular Add-on Heading GPS Receiver
* Affordable, lower price point of entry for GPS Heading
* No moving parts ensures service-free operation compared to a mechanical gyro compass
Trimble - SPS551H

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